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Three types of malignant skin tumors

Tumors of the skin, as well as tumors of other organs, can be benign or malignant.

Three types of malignant skin tumors are most common: basal cell carcinoma (basal cell carcinoma), squamous cell carcinoma and the most dangerous – melanoma.

Melanoma develops from pigment cells of the skin – melanocytes. In most cases, it occurs at the site of an ordinary mole. The growth of a tumor can provoke prolonged exposure to the sun, chemical and thermal burns, as well as permanent injury to the mole. That is why “flies” located on the shoulder, under the hair on the head, on the sole, in the perineum or on the mucous membranes are dangerous.

For any external changes, it is better to see the mole to an oncologist. The doctor will be able to assess the likelihood of malignant degeneration of the mole and, if necessary, remove it.

If the worst thing happened, and melanoma has formed, surgery alone will not be enough. In order to achieve complete destruction of tumor cells, radiation therapy (treatment with ionizing radiation) and chemotherapy (anticancer drugs) will be prescribed.

In the meantime, in most cases, the development of a tumor can be avoided. To do this, you just need to take a closer look at your own body (especially moles), avoid prolonged exposure to the sun and follow the simple rules of tanning.